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A Letter to Santa [From an young boy]

Photo by Kate Macate on Unsplash

Hello Santa,

        This is me! Your boy. Can you remember me? I’m the one who sent that letter in green cover last year. Oh, I forgot. It’s your busy month of the year, sharing presents for all the kiddos out there. But at the end of the day, don’t forget to read the letter of this kid, dear Santa.

        I wanted to tell you that I’m feeling great lately. Do you know why? I just figured out that I’ve revolved around the sun 18 times! I wonder. But of course the credit goes to earth. I was just there with him. But still, you would consider me as your kid (maybe extraordinary kid) right? I hope so.

        Remember last year? I’ve asked you remote control car and a dark forest chocolate. But I’m a big boy now. I’ve heard people saying, “You enjoy free version of game (that’s what old-age home people say for life) almost 18 years in India. After that, it’s a whole new level”. I’m excited for that upgrade. People scare me about it being tougher but I hate the phrase Game Over. So, here is my new wish. For at least a month, make me a ghost!

        If you do so, I’m the person with most freedom than any other guy out there. I’ve heard ghost may pass through anything. So, for my next trip, I don’t need to wander offices for passport. I don’t need to worry about money for either tickets or eatables. I no longer care whether it’s raining or too foggy for travel. I don’t feel even a bit of fear about my plane crash. I don’t care about storm or volcano or earthquake. Hurray, as free as cotton in air.

        I need to meet you personally dear Santa. This letter is really small and limits me. There are other umpteen things that I have to tell you. Please be there in my dropping gift box from sky when I open my eyes in the morning.


The thing is, we’ve moved to a new apartment and it has got no chimney!!
